Imagine having everything you need. If you had all the resources you ever needed at your disposal, what would you do with them?
Here’s your spoonful of courage for today:
IMAGINE KING CHARLES cleaning the toilets at Buckingham palace. No one would expect the King of England to stoop and perform such a humble task. Heck, such a crazy act would probably never cross anyone’s mind. King Charles has layers of servants to do those kinds of menial tasks for him.
But King Charles pales in comparison to what the King of Heaven did when he left his heavenly throne and came to serve.
Christ’s servant attitude is best modeled in John chapter thirteen. More than any other passage in the Bible, these verses express the very heart and mind of Jesus.
John’s thirteenth chapter marks a big transition in the book of John. In the first twelve chapters, Jesus performs miracles and gives messages, confirming that he is the Messiah, the Son of God. With his words and with his works, Jesus declares that He is God.
After finishing his public ministry, Jesus begins his private one. He prepares his disciples for his crucifixion, resurrection, and beyond. One of the interesting things about this “Upper Room Discourse” is what Jesus knew and what he did with what he knew.
If you read the first twelve verses of John 13, you can see all things Jesus knew.
First, he knew that His HOUR had come. The purpose for which he had came—to die and serve as a substitute for mankind was at hand.
Second, Jesus knew “that God had put ALL THINGS under his power and authority.
Colosians 1: 17 says it this way “He is above all things and in Him all things hold together.”
Every molecule, every atom in the universe is “held together” by the power and authority of Jesus. Unknown stars and galaxies are preserved by Jesus, the Word. Every chemical reaction in our bodies are perpetuated and sustained by Jesus.
Wow. Now that’s an infinitesimal amount of authority and power.
Paul in Romans 11 and verse 36, says it this way. “Now from Him and through Him and to Him are all things”.
What would WE do with that kind of authority and power? Well probably not what Jesus did with it?
What’s interesting here is what Jesus does—with all of His knowledge, power, and authority.
Jesus recognizes a need, takes the initiative, and does a task that no one else wants to do. He washes the feet of his disciples.
The problem: stinky, dirty feet. In those days, there were no chairs. Everyone ate on the floor, eating off a small table.
The feet of others—were in your face as you tried to eat your meal.
Some in the room, that evening—were perhaps oblivious. Perhaps they minimized the issue, trying to ignore it or “sweep it under the rug.”
But this was the “elephant in the room.” This was an IN YOUR FACE kind of issue. IT WASN’T A PROBLEM ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET. It was in their own backyard.
AND IT WAS REALLY PRETTY SIMPLE… IT DIDN’T TAKE A LARGE AMOUNT OF TIME OR RESOURCES…. Just the willingness of someone to do what no one else would do.
Perhaps the disciples recognized the problem—but made excuses. Maybe they were waiting for someone else to do it. Maybe they thought it was someone else’s responsibility.
Maybe the reason the disciples didn’t take the initiative was because of their pride…. In other passages the disciples were just arguing who would be the greatest. They were discussing who would have the greatest position of power and authority when Jesus took over.
What Jesus knew—about Himself, His power, His position, His purpose—influenced what he did. He humbled himself, got up, took off his robe, put on a towel, and washed the disciples’ feet. The one who deserved to have his feet washed and to be served—washed everyone’s feet.
Even Judas, his betrayer—got his feet cleansed by the Savior.
This act, this selfless deed, expresses—like nothing else, the heart of God. Think about it. What Jesus knew—determined what He did.
What should we know about ourselves. Well, here’s a few things:
If you are a follower of Christ, you are secure.
God’s love for you has no limit. You are accepted based on his completed work—not your performance.
God has promised to never leave or forsake you. In whatever circumstances you face, God’s hems you in, goes before you, come along beside you, and guide you through.
God has equipped you with all the resources needed to fulfill God’s purposes for your life.
Here’s something to know. Our past is forgiven. In the present—we have everything we need. And in the future? Well, the best is yet to come.
When we are secure in our identity, knowing who we are in Christ, we have the freedom to DO AND ACT AND FOLLOW in the footsteps of Jesus.
After finishing Jesus put back on his robe, and sat down, and said: “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.”
“Now that you KNOW these things, you will be blessed if you DO them”.
I’m Dr. Chuck. Think about it.